If only I could clock in in the morning to be this productive all day. One day my return will come to me though... right?
A few things going through my mind...
1) Tomorrow I'm going to the TEDxToronto conference downtown. I have no idea what to expect, and I like it. I'm hoping whatever white noise I'm getting in my head about my life will find an answer somewhere within TEDx. Please!
2) Would it be considered spreading myself too thin if I took on a jewelry making course? It's always been a keen interest of mine. It's kind of random though and probably not one of my top priorities (what are my priorities, anyway...)
3) I hate music theory with the burning passion of a thousand suicidal Spartans fighting in the blazing Sun.
4) Here are the videos I posted today. One of them is from a while back, but I always liked the clip - not so much because I think we performed well but more because I like to think about how I felt when doing this dance (HAPPY). The other one is a clip from yesterday's class. I want to keep moving up. I don't want to step on anybody's toes, but I am loving this progression. Is the pie big enough for all of us to get a slice? I think so. I mean there should be. Some of us are hungrier than others though. This train of thought is starting to ramble off into terrible metaphors land. Going to stop now. Anyway, I am so thankful to have students that come to my class, I am super major appreciative of the friends that I have that support me in everything I do, I am fantastically aware of the amazing relationship I am in and will never ever ever take advantage of the life my parents gave me.
Clip from a while back:
Clip from yesterday:
That's all! Until the next one.